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MINUTES of March 5, 2013 ANC 4A MEETING

Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, NW, Washington, DC

Meeting called to order by Commissioner Toliver at 7:20 PM.

Commissioners Black (4A08), Bennett (4A04), Wilson (4A07), Toliver (4A02), Braxton (4A06), Anderson (4A01), and Whatley (4A03) were in attendance.

Approximately 25 persons were in attendance from the community.


a. Commissioner Toliver announced that all ANC 4A meetings are recorded by the Office Manager to have a record of the proceedings. In the event that anyone requests to record the meetings he asked that they identify themselves and the purpose for which they want to record the meetings.

b. Commissioner Whatley moved that the agenda for March 5, 2013 be accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson. All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.

c. Commissioner Bennett moved that minutes of the February 5, 2013 meeting be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All in favor. Motion passed.

d. Commissioner Whatley reported on the quarterly report for the period ending December 31, 2012 stating the balance of the checking account was $28,364.76 and $40,238.41 in savings.

i. Commissioner Toliver moved to accept the quarterly report for the period ending December 31, 2012. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Braxton.

ii. Motion passed with a 5-1-1 vote with Commissioner Black opposed and Commissioner Anderson abstaining.

e. Commissioner Toliver reported that the ANC 4A lease is expiring at the end of this month. Douglas Development is willing to lease space to ANC 4A for $200/month plus utilities on a month-to-month basis at 7820 Eastern Avenue NW.

i. There are no matters before the commission concerning Douglas Jamal properties. In the event that there were any matters brought to the commission, ANC 4A would have to disclose or forgo voting on those matters as they would affect them.

ii. There was discussion. Commissioner Whatley moved to end further discussion in the interest of time. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Braxton. Motion passed 5-1-1 with Commissioner Black objecting and Commissioner Anderson abstaining.

iii. Commissioner Toliver moved for ANC 4A to authorize him to enter into a lease at 7820 Eastern Avenue NW on the terms that have been outlined and to do so subject to minor variations and no substantive changes. Commissioner Braxton seconded the motion.

iv. Motion passed 5-2 with Commissioners Bennett, Wilson, Toliver, Braxton, and Whatley in favor. Commissioners Black and Anderson objected.

f. Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A approve the amended budget submitted by Commissioner Whatley for the period March 5 through September 30, 2013. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Braxton. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Black – no, Commissioner Bennett – yes, Commissioner Wilson – yes, Commissioner Toliver – yes, Commissioner Braxton – yes, Commissioner Anderson – no, Commissioner Whatley – yes. Motion passed 5-2 with Commissioners Black and Anderson disagreeing with the removal of grants from the budget. Commissioner Toliver explained that due to the decreased allocation from the city, the commission had previously voted to suspend grants for the year.

g. Commissioner Toliver made the public aware that Commissioner Anderson was tape recording the meeting. Commissioner Toliver moved that this ANC, amongst its procedures, require that if any commissioner or individual is recording the meeting that it be disclosed to the public. Motion seconded by Commissioners Braxton and Wilson. All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.


a. Joy Holland announced that Councilmember Bowser is now chair of the economic development committee.

i. WMATA owns a number of properties in the city and there’s going to be a roundtable in reference to requiring WMATA to consider affordable housing options in all future development.

ii. Kalmia Culvert Project. Although DDOT was supposed to start relatively soon (this fiscal year), they are delaying until they have a contract in operation until mid-May. They will not do anything until they have all tools and construction materials to move forward with that bridge. Looking at a start date of June 2013. Commissioner Anderson reported that she was informed by DDOT that a start date will be September 2013.

iii. 16th Street Circle. There have been a number of meetings with Valerie Irving from Montgomery County at Shepherd Park. DDOT has met with MD state highway authority and decided to divvy up who is going to do what. Maryland will be responsible for design and construction and DDOT will be responsible for keeping it up. Traffic signals will be under DDOT’s purview, but Maryland will decide how the traffic signals are going to register. There will be a Memorandum of Understanding that DDOT will draft for Maryland to review. Hopefully it will be signed in April 2013.

iv. Commissioner Black is against the use of the Budget Support Act allowing the city to take out of your tax refund any outstanding traffic violations.

v. Commissioner Anderson moved that Councilmember Bowser be required to respond to a 2011 constituent letter from Michael Sindram in a timely manner. There was no second. The motion did not move forward.

b. Serve DC - Juan Thompson, Outreach Specialist from the Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism. This agency is dedicated to promoting service within the District of Columbia.

i. Serve DC is comprised of the Office of Volunteerism, the DC Commission on National and Community Service, and Emergency Support.

ii. Visit to learn more about the agency.

c. Keith Hollman from the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Engagement warned attendees about impending snowstorm. If you have an issue, Mr. Hollman can be reached at 202-340-7853.

d. The Mayor’s 2013 Budget Town Hall Meeting will be held on April 18th from 6:30 – 8:30pm at Brightwood Education Campus at Missouri and 13th Street NW. Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A be a sponsor of this event. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Whatley. All in favor. Motion passed.


a. Patience Singleton inquired about ANC 4A office hours and how a constituent would go about obtaining records. Commissioner Toliver responded that there are no set office hours and that the public is welcome to submit a request for copies of records.

b. Michael Sindram wants it noted for the record that he gives Commissioner Anderson permission to record his comments.

c. ANC 4A is seeking to fill the vacant ANC 4A05 position. The election is April 23rd.


a. Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A accept the petitions from the residents and recommend approval of the installation of rumble strips or speed humps on Aspen Street, NW (between 14th and 16th Streets). Espinola Hughes of 1432 Aspen Street NW appeared on behalf of this matter. Motion passed 5-2 with Commissioners Braxton and Wilson abstaining.

b. The Missouri Avenue Market (located at Georgia and Missouri avenues) has applied to increase its alcohol sales hours from 9am – 10pm to 7am – Midnight.

i. A representative from the Brightwood Community Association reported she heard mixed responses from residents through an informal survey.

ii. Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A send a letter to the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration arguing that the Missouri Avenue Market’s request to increase hours for alcohol sales is a “substantial change” that should require public notification. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bennett. All in favor. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 PM.


ANC 4A01 Commissioner Acqunetta Anderson

North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park

ANC 4A02 Commissioner Dwayne Toliver, Chair

Shepherd Park

ANC 4A03 Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Treasurer

Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood

ANC 4A04 Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Secretary


ANC 4A05 Vacant

Fort Stevens and Brightwood

ANC 4A06 Commissioner Karrye Braxton, Vice-Chair


ANC 4A07 Commissioner Dave Wilson

16th Street Heights

ANC 4A08 Commissioner Gale Black

Crestwood, Crestwood North and portions of 16th Street Heights


Respectfully Submitted by,

Marian Bennett (ANC 4A04), Secretary

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