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MINUTES of April 4, 2012 ANC 4A MEETING

Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, NW, Washington, DC

Roll Call: Commissioners Bennett, Toliver, Whatley, Wilson, Boyd, Kennedy, and Black were in attendance.

Approximately 17 people in attendance from the community.

Having determined that there was a quorum, Commissioner Toliver called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM.

I. Administrative Actions

a. Commissioner Bennett moved that the commissioners accept the minutes from the March 15, 2012 meeting subject to any changes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. All were in favor. Motion passed.

b. Commissioner Whatley provided the monthly treasurer’s report as of March 31, 2012 showing a checking account balance of $50,114.55.

i. Commissioner Wilson inquired about the actual year to date budget. Going forward, Commissioner Whatley will [once/quarter] provide year to date reports detailing current balances, monthly balances, and year to date budgets for internal use only.

ii. Commissioner Whatley reported that payroll deductions for the ANC 4A office manager (Dawn Goodloe) have begun with retroactive withholdings dating back to January 2012. Commissioner Kennedy suggested enlisting the services of an automated payroll company to ensure timeliness and accuracy of payroll process.

iii. Commissioner Whatley will submit the quarterly report at the May meeting.

c. Commissioner Whatley moved for the $200 expense of installing a peephole in the front door of the ANC office for added security. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All were in favor. Unanimously approved.

d. Commissioner Black reported that the city is currently going through the budget process for FY2013 and shared an informational list of budget priorities from her SMD. Commissioner Toliver suggested each of the commissioners, if so inclined, prepare a list of budget priorities in their SMDs to be compiled and forwarded to the Mayor’s office by the Office Manager by Monday, April 9, 2012.


a. DC Fired and EMS Assistant Chief Jackson appeared on behalf of Chief Keith Ellerbe. Chief Jackson along with twelve other Fire and EMS personnel offered free blood pressure and glucose screenings and shared the chief’s pledge to make a smoke detector available to anyone who wants or needs one anywhere in the district. Detectors can be installed by appointment by calling 202-727-1614.

i. Commissioner Black expressed concern about a trapped senior in a recent fire at Crestwood Apartments. Chief Jackson said that most companies would know who (e.g., seniors, wheel-chair bound) is in each apartment building and make special evacuation efforts in those cases.

ii. Commissioner Kennedy asked if all the fire hydrants in Ward 4 are working. Chief Jackson replied that though the maintenance of the hydrants is shared with DC Water, engine companies have been conducting hydrant inspections on a daily basis. DC Fire and EMS asked that if any resident sees a hydrant without a band, to let them know immediately.

iii. Every October is Fire Prevention Month and Chief Jackson offered to return with literature at that time.

b. James Hamre, Director, Metro Office of Bus Planning reported that WMATA and DDOT are studying ways of improving transit service along Metrobus routes 52, 53, and 54 along 14th Street between Takoma Metro and L’Enfant Plaza.

i. The study team is now developing improvement options and would like rider feedback and input on how to better serve the future Walter Reed site development at two open house meetings from 5:30 – 8:00 PM: Thursday, April 12 at the WMATA Northern Division Community Room and Monday, April 16 at the Columbia Heights Recreation Center.


a. Concerning the 8100 and 8200 blocks of Eastern Avenue NW, Commissioner Toliver reported there will be a change in RPP signage to read “RPP Zone 4A Permit Holders Only 7am-mind. Monday-Saturday”. This change would provide residents with some much-needed parking in the area.

i. Commissioner Toliver will make a copy of this notice and personally deliver to homes on Eastern Avenue this weekend with a note to deliver comments to DDOT by April 20. Commissioner Kennedy moved that ANC 4A send a letter of support on this matter. Motion seconded by Commissioner Boyd. All were in favor. Unanimously approved. Comments on this subject matter must be filed in writing, not later than April 21, 2012.

b. Commissioner Kennedy reported receiving lots of feedback from residents in his SMD concerning the failed Betty Noel nomination and proposes sending a letter in disagreement of the decision to the Council. Commissioner Wilson voiced opposition.

i. Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A send a letter to Council Chairman, Kwame Brown, to have a vote taken up by the full council on the nomination of Betty Noel. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Passed by a 5 – 2 vote at the legally noticed public meeting of ANC 4A on Tuesday, April 4, 2012 with a quorum present. Voting “yes”: Commissioners: Black, Bennett, Toliver, Whatley, Boyd, and Kennedy. Voting “no”: Commissioners: Wilson and Bennett.

ii. Commissioner Toliver asked Commissioner Kennedy to draft a letter for his signature on behalf of the ANC.

c. The Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) grant request for $1935 was unanimously approved by the Commission after receiving a March 8, 2012 decision letter from the Attorney General stating the grant is legally permissible based on the information provided.

d. Commissioner Whatley announced the formation of the Mayor’s new Tax Revision Commission and noted that the last major tax reform that occurred came from this body. Since this matter was not time sensitive, Commissioner Toliver asked that any additional information gathered over the next few weeks be shared with the Commissioners at the next meeting.


a. Leila Batties from the DC chapter of Jack and Jill requested a letter of support from ANC 4A for a Family Fitness Day event on April 29, 2012 at Shepherd Field. Commissioner Toliver moved to issue a letter of support on their behalf. Motion seconded by Commissioner Boyd. All in favor. Unanimously approved.

b. Woundim S. Demissie is the owner of a 7-Eleven franchise at 25 Peabody Street NW who plans to apply for a beer and wine license. Commissioner Boyd suggested he appear before the Brightwood Community Association prior to seeking a letter of support from ANC 4A. Commissioner Kennedy supports Mr. Demissie’s efforts as a small local owned business.

c. Commissioners from ANC 4A and 4B, along with area residents and businesses are joining together to look at ways to help Georgia Avenue businesses and attract new ones. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 7 PM in the Shepherd Park Library. For more information: contact Sara Green, ANC 4B01 at 202-829-8802 or Steve Whatley, ANC 4A03 at 202-720-4590.

d. Joy Holland, Chief of Staff for Councilmember Muriel Bowser, appeared but had no report given the late hour.

Commissioner Whatley moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.


ANC 4A01 Commissioner Karl Kennedy

North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park

ANC 4A02 Commissioner Dwayne Toliver, Chair

Shepherd Park

ANC 4A03 Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Treasurer

Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood

ANC 4A04 Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Vice Chair


ANC 4A05 Vacant

Fort Stevens and Brightwood

ANC 4A06 Commissioner Kim Boyd, Secretary


ANC 4A07 Commissioner Dave Wilson

16th Street Heights

ANC 4A08 Commissioner Gale Black

Crestwood, Crestwood North and portions of 16th Street Heights


Respectfully Submitted by,

Kim Boyd (ANC 4A06), Secretary

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